The 2 advices I would love to give to my younger self

“Ye, it’s never about working your ass off but about being laser-focused on the directions and spending time/energy on things/people that move the needle.”

“Ye, your biggest task is to keep and amplify your life force by doing things you love. And your life force is the source of all your creativity!”

If I could travel back in time, those would be two pieces of advice I would give to myself in my early 30s.

Now I am 39 and finally living by the above two pieces of advice.

I feel congruent and satisfied.

Am I regretting the moments in the past when I burnt myself out and forced myself to do things because I thought I should do them?


My past made me who I am today. Thanks to my past experiences, I learned valuable lessons.

Wishing you all a peaceful and joyful day today. 🧡

Love, Ye