Here, you’ll find success stories from my clients. I’ve kept these stories anonymous and I’ll never share private details unless my clients agree. They wrote these stories and allowed me to share, showing their trust in me.

Client #1: Consultant in Supply Chain Management

I started caring more about my own feelings at work instead of worrying about what others thought!

It has been an amazing journey of self-discovery and growth with Ye. Ye smoothly went from being a coach to becoming like a friend, mentor, and mirror. She always pushed me to think in new ways, helping me see different sides of my problems. I was surprised by how coaching worked. I thought Ye would just tell me what to do, but she asked me lots of questions that made me think for myself.

The most important thing I learned was how to be honest with myself. Ye’s tough questions helped me see things clearly. I started caring more about my own feelings at work instead of worrying about what others thought. I understood that I work for my own good, not just for the company. It doesn’t matter what others think of me because they’re focused on themselves. Also, since I decided to use my time to heal and learn German, I’ve become less anxious. I avoid things that make me anxious and follow my own path.

I’m proud of how much I’ve changed through coaching. I know I matter the most in my life now. I’ve become more open-minded and let go of old beliefs. Coaching helped me overcome tough times. I was confused about my job and life, but in the past several months, I learned to plan my work and life better. I’m not confused anymore.

Coaching with Ye was like a mental massage, a good break from work. If I can give one advice to Ye’s future clients, you need to be ready for Ye’s challenging but insightful questions.

Client #2: Scrum Master in Tech Industry

Reconnecting with myself and silencing the self-doubt and judgment that had plagued me for so long.

Before embarking on this transformative journey, I found myself trapped in a job that left me feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. I feared that my age and lack of German language skills would hinder me from finding meaningful work. Doubts about my abilities and experience gnawed at me, making it difficult to envision a career switch. Imposter syndrome became a constant companion, causing me to doubt my worth and worry about how others perceived me.

I had sought advice from friends and career coaches, but something was missing. Then, Ye entered my life with a deep understanding of my struggles, as she had experienced similar challenges herself. Through her coaching, I unearthed my core values and learned to advocate for myself.

The most remarkable achievement was reconnecting with myself and silencing the self-doubt and judgment that had plagued me for so long. Ye’s insights have been monumental. She made me realize that my successes weren’t solely due to luck, but rather the result of my own proactive efforts. Ye reminded me of the power I hold within me.

Today, I find myself in an entirely different place. I have broken free from the shackles of my old job and industry. I have embraced change and harnessed my strengths to achieve what I once thought was unattainable. My journey with Ye stands as a testament to the transformation that can occur when you have the right guidance and believe in yourself. I am forever grateful for her unwavering support and the new lease on life she has given me

Client #3: Senior Manager in Energy Industry

Take ownership and claim my power back at my work and life

Working with Ye has been truly amazing. I’m now back to being myself again, and I’m in control of my career path. I’ve learned to trust what I know and believe in what I can offer. This coaching process helped me deal with my feelings, discover new things about myself, and find a way forward. I was totally lost in my life and career before I met Ye.

I feel proud now because I’m not just letting life happen to me and I am shaping my own path. Ye helped me to be equipped with the right tools and shift my mindsets so I can take ownership and claim my power back at my work and my life.

Ye never judged me or gave me any advice like others, instead she asked me lots of thoughtful questions to help me recognize and then break my limiting beliefs and my old conditions. Sometimes, even it was tough for me to dig deeper, Ye always created a very safe space to let me go deeper and open up.

I’m so thankful we went on this journey together. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support and trust.